National Security – A Matter of Sovereignty
The Problem
“The border” has been a hot button issue in American politics for my entire adult life. Year after year politicians trot out hyperbolic fear-based sentiment or virtue signaling stances of avoidance.
This political dance places the country in a perpetual spiral of eroding sovereignty. The system is overwhelmed. The result of an overwhelmed system is more migrant flow. The game of politics has been placed above the need for a solution and action.
The Plan
As a citizen volunteer I have no desire to pump fear or gloss over the problem. We must take action now. I had the pleasure of working on the Border Policy for the Boerner Presidential Campaign. This policy is a gift to the future Trump Administration, and I will take this policy with me to Congress.
We need a comprehensive strategy engaging multiple governmental agencies to tackle the border issue. One that does not simply look at one corner of one border, but safeguards the holistic sovereignty of the United States.
A comprehensive border enforcement plan not only safeguards Americans, but it also supports the integrity of the legal immigration system.
Three Pillars of Security
We are in modern times. A physical barrier acts as a great symbolic tool, but it could never be effective. As a nation we have modern tools to effectively create a virtual fence so that any penetration could be monitored and analyzed. The goal of any effective border is to funnel crossings into the designed ports with the most infrastructure and security. With modern technological tools assisting physical barriers, the United States can safeguard it’s sovereign borders above and below ground.
Why are our borders being flooded? People want to come to America. We have created the greatest country on the planet. It’s natural for highly capable people to work to become part of the great melting pot. However, there are modern organizations operating to assist the transfer of millions of people to our doors. Some even operate funded by United State taxpayer dollars. This activity must be thwarted, and any foreign influence directing migrant flow must be rooted out, exposed, and countered.
But the migrant flow represents something else as well. People truly want to seek a better life no matter where they are. The United States must assist struggling nations, particularly in the Western Hemisphere, to balance their governance and stabilize their economies. Not through meddling or coercion, but instead through investment and support. Migrants coming to the United States today, can be the entrepreneurs in their home countries tomorrow.
Ignorance of the border security issue has broken the Overton Window. Action must be taken now. A national guard training exercise creating designated migrant refugee centers in strategic border locations within the United States would immediately expand the bottleneck constraint of housing and processing power, while keeping the migrant flow within the Port Authority instead of spreading throughout the United States.
A determinative procedure and process must be created to clearly deal with migrants who have slipped through the cracks of processing. All tracked asylum seekers with processing dates released into the United States must report to these refugee centers for immediate processing.
Coordination between federal, state, and local law enforcement personnel in concert with the National Guard would allow expeditious results.
Solution Over Rhetoric
It must become clear once again. The United States wants the best and brightest from across the globe to come participate in our great experiment. We want humble families seeking a better life for their children. Respect of law, assimilation, and pride-in-country is a requirement.