Fusion Future – It’s All Connected
The U.S. is $34.5t in debt, with the Office of Management and Budget projecting us to be at 41.5t in debt by 2028. We have a climate change strategy built on false promises with foreign ingredients. Politicians are selling fear… not solutions, so as to keep the money game rolling.
We are at the end of our fiscal cliff as a country, and thus as a western civilization built on freedom and opportunity. The trajectory was clear decades ago, but we have now arrived at the destination.
These are not the words of a fear porn salesman, these are words of accountability and opportunity. To seek a solution you must first acknowledge the problem.
American exceptionalism must be revived once again – from a dusty slogan to an active model. The United States, our great shared experience, is built upon creativity, ingenuity, bravery, and resolve. We are the country that faced a crisis, and developed the Manhattan Project.
This fiscal cliff at our collective toes is another existential crisis. We must summon the attributes of forefathers and our Greatest Generation to actively pursue positive and strategic scientific solutions that transform the chaos of the cliff into the ramp of the future.
The New Red Deal is a modern Manhattan Project and Moon Landing wrapped into one clear objective – Industrial Fusion Energy.
In December of 2022 Lawrence Livermore Labs proved for the first time the reality of Fusion Energy. With investment, commitment, and the American Spirit, we can transform this breakthrough in the lab into physical reality for our country and the world.
The resources to execute are already in place. In Washington State lies the remnants of the original Manhattan Project, Hanford Nuclear Site. This site is fully funded and staffed today; ready for repurposing to develop the first industrial fusion reactor in the world.
Federal Budgets have already earmarked money thrown at The Green New Deal. With the right Federal leadership in place, this money can be diverted to the future of science and technology, instead of a falsely inflated construct built on political enrichment.
We can turn our assured economic destruction into an opportunity for all of humanity.
Everything is connected to our Fusion Future. Think of the dominoes that fall into perfect places. As we decouple from overseas manufacturing bases, our county will have a consequential tool for global corporations to rebuild the Made in America brand. Jobs flow from this solution as the American dream once again has a foundation to stand upon, and raise a family within.
The environmental impacts of industrial fusion energy will be striking. One example: currently desalination for freshwater is available, but the process is energy intensive. Could this technology provide fresh water for entire cities like Phoenix Arizona?
The United States dollar, also at the cliff of losing its global reserve currency status, would become the U.S. Digital Dollar. The Federal Reserve is unable to print enough physical dollars for the shortfall we now face, as we add on new debt. Creativity and innovation will keep the dollar as the world’s global reserve.
In our Fusion Future the United States will go from a Super Power to a Hyper Power. American exceptionalism will return, and the shining city on the hill will be empowered once again for the entire world to see.